Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fear leads to...hate!

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.”  Yoda-Jedi Master
It's so easy to be afraid these days. But I know from my own life that fear doesn't help things get better. Fear keeps you from progress. Fear keeps you from making positive changes. Fear keeps you from loving yourself and others.  
I remember sitting and waiting for my very first appointment with an eating disorder therapist and being so afraid I wanted to run out and never come back. I remember pulling over multiple times on my way to that same appointment with fear and anxiety so overwhelming and raw that I was physically sick. But then as I sat there waiting, scared and alone, a still small voice whispered to my heart "faith not fear".  I clung to those words for many weeks until my visits became easier.  
Ever since that experience "faith not fear" has become my motto in life. I've used it over and over again.  I've used it as I've had to do hard things and start going to new therapists. I've used it when reports about terrorist attacks across the globe paralyze me with sadness and fear.  I've used it as I've continually battled disorder thinking about food, about my body, and about life. I've also used it at times when being a parent is hard and scary.  And now I'm using it as I watch our society crumble.  I wish hearts could be softened and people could see that there is fear on both sides of the line. But fear won't fix things. You see Yoda is exactly right. Fear leads to suffering.  But the amateur philosopher Rosalind Bright says, "Faith is the path to the light leads to soft hearts...soft hearts lead to understanding...understanding leads to love."

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