Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Mouse Shall Play!

So, now that I am alone during the days I’ve noticed many things are different.  So, today I will testify of the truthfulness of the following proverb:

When the cats away, the mouse shall play! 

The first big difference I’ve noticed since my “cats” are away is I have not seen Playhouse Disney in almost two weeks!  Seriously, I have watched so many Disney children’s programing in the past eleven years that even I got giddy when I met the Little Einstein crew at Disneyworld!  And don’t even get me started on all the Wiggles songs I know!  My husband ALWAYS comment on the fact that the TV was always on the Disney channel.  What did he think we were watching – day time soaps?  I love Disney as much (maybe more) than the next person, but I think I have at least retired from the preschool programing!  (Until grandkids arrive – which is still a LONG ways away for this spring chicken!)

TMI alert!!!!  I can finally go to the bathroom and shower without any uninvited guests!  I saw a funny poster that said, “We used to want it all.  Now we just want to go to the bathroom alone!”  I’m pretty sure every mother in the galaxy can relate to this!  Now, I am especially enjoying long hot showers where I can think deep thoughts or sing Aerosmith at the top of my lungs.  The dog doesn’t care for my singing, but then again she is bothered by all songs with a Steven Tyler scream in them! (Yes, of course I even attempt all Steven Tyler screams…it’s the best part of singing Aerosmith songs!)  Besides, it’s better than singing songs by the Wiggles!

I am usually a pretty nice and thoughtful person.  I was taught to share and normally have no problem with this concept.  However, something snapped inside of me when I became a mom.  I’m sure NO one else has ever done this, so I am ashamed to admit this but here it goes…My name is Rosalind and I hide candy and treats and sneak to eat them when my kids aren’t around so I don’t have to share!  There it’s out!  I’ve admitted I have a problem – that’s the first step!  However, I think I am cured!  There are no more kids around to hide my little treats from!  Just this morning I had Blue Bell coconut fudge ice cream for breakfast!  (Don’t judge me – I don’t eat this well every morning!  Sometimes I have to settle for a store brand ice cream!)  I didn’t even have to quickly gulp my creamy ice cream down while I sent my child on some mission of distraction... 

Me - “Honey please go make your bed.”

Kid – “I already made it.”

Me – “Please go clean your room then.”

Kid – “I already cleaned too.”

Me – “Then please go alphabetize all the bookshelves upstairs and don’t come down until you are done!”

Another great advantage is my free time to clean!  I’m not a spotless clean person…ask my mom, she will be happy to testify of her years of anguish over this!  However, I’ve been enjoying experimenting with all my new found knowledge on Pinterest about ways to clean!  Did you know you should clean the inside of your washing machine out!  I spend a whole day doing this!  It looks wonderful and shiny!  And my jewelry box has never been better organized!  I also made a wonderful shower cleaner made from vinegar and blue Dawn dish washing soap…IT HAS TO BE BLUE!  Next on my list is making homemade Fabreze.  Then organizing my spices in my pantry into an over the door shoe holder.  When you come over to see all these great projects, just don’t look too closely at my stacks of laundry or the dirty dishes in my sink.  I’m too busy cleaning for housework!

So, I guess I am kind of enjoying my time without my kiddos around.  But there are some things that aren’t positive.  It’s the adverse side to being here alone.  For one thing, I’ve never gone up and down the stairs so much in my life!  I’ve gotten used to sending kids up and down the stairs for my cell phone, a roll of TP, a book, to get shoes, put up Lego sets, bring me laundry, put up laundry, etc.  Now, the stairs are my daily workout.  Who needs a gym or a stair master!  (Time to move into a one story house!)  And, honestly, the worse part about being home without my kids is eating alone.  Heck, I even forget to eat lunch sometimes.  Maybe subconsciously I am forgetting lunch so I don’t have to eat alone.  I seem to remember my lack of nutrition about the time they get home.  Then eat lunch while listening to them tell me all about their day.   But by that point the cats are back home and there isn’t much time for leisurely lunch.  It’s back to my job as a mom!  And despite all the fun new things I’ve noticed have changed in my day, it’s still great to be needed as a mom to my three beautiful children!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Change by any other name...

Change!   Alter!  Modify!  Vary!  Transform!  Adjust!  Shift!  Amend!  Change!

Change by any other name is just as distasteful to me.  I really hate dislike change!  (My mom told me never to hate!)  So, imagine how tough the last few weeks have been for me as I sent my last “baby” out into the world of public education!  For the past eleven years I have been a stay at home mom.  I have had a kid (or kids) next to me, beside me, and even on top of me nearly every day for the last eleven years.  And, to be honest, I LOVED IT!  Well, most of it.  Yes, some days, life as a stay at home mom was not glamorous or even fun.  (One word - PUKE!)  However, I really like my kids and I do really enjoy being with them.  Now, I have over six hours all to myself. 

Alone!  Unaccompanied!  Solo!  Hold the onions and the kids!  Abandoned!  Deserted!  Alone!

Not that I didn’t know this was coming.  I’ve known this was coming for the past six years.  I knew it was coming when after my third child the doctor told me in his best soup Nazi voice “No more babies for you!”  Really, there was nothing I could do.  But I thought – six years is a long time.  Oh, I was so wrong about that!  It seems to have passed in the blink of an eye.  Where did the time go?  Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our life!  I tried to stop it.  I begged my kids to stop growing up.  I even bribed them!  But, NOOOOO!  They just had to keep growing.  I even offered to home school all of them so I wouldn’t have to be alone!  Well, here I sit alone, writing this soliloquy, so I guess you know what their answer was!  I should be glad.  I should be proud.  I’ve raised my kids to be independent, to stand on their own two feet.  But, what do I do now?

Change!   Alter!  Modify!  Vary!  Transform!  Adjust!  Shift!  Amend!  Change!

There are those distasteful words again!  CHANGE!  Ughh!  Maybe it is time to make some changes.  No, not change – revolution!  I need to revolutionize who I am.  Of course I am still a mom!  (I’m grateful I will never get fired or laid off of that job!)  What do I want to do with the REST of my life?  What can I do?  In my life B.C. (Before Children) I was a teacher.  I taught school because I love kids!  I loved making a difference in their lives.  I loved watching that light bulb go off when they got a concept.  However, there were some aspects I did NOT love about teaching.  Should I go back to teaching?  What to do?  What to do?  Maybe it’s time to start chasing some of my own dreams.  Maybe it’s time to reflect on how I want to leave my mark – what legacy I want to leave behind for my children and grandchildren.  Here I go!  Look out world – it’s the revolution of a stay at home mom!